4/24/16 • Women: The Under-Tapped Market

As posted in The Gaston Gazette: (4/24/16) BELMONT, N.C. –  With Mother’s Day just around the corner, this is a perfect time to honor women and their surging power in today’s marketplace. Studies show that over the next decade, women will control two thirds of...

3/27/16 • Why Cause Marketing Is A Smart Strategy

As posted in The Gaston Gazette: (3/27/16) BELMONT, N.C. –  We’re familiar with the old adage “to give is to receive.” The timeless rule applies to the day-to-day lives of individuals and businesses alike. In this highly accessible, real-time digital age, consumers...

2/28/16 • Is It Time To Revitalize Your Brand?

As published by The Gaston Gazette: (2/28/16) BELMONT, N.C. – Your brand is the essence of your business. Far more than a logo and tagline, it’s the embodiment of all the information connected to your product, service or company and the message that resonates with...